From small beginnings, grow great journeys.
This project began in 2014, and an online exhibition of the portraits was launched in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic. To date 20 portraits have been painted. Painting stories about the people of Canada, on canvas.
The People of Canada Portrait Project: these portraits begin with you!
What we need:
We need photos of Canadian couples preferably, or interesting photos with stories about single experiences in the Canadian landscape. We are looking for unique stories, special relationships, friendships, family, co-workers, events or serendipitous meetings. These photos could be existing or posed for, preferably taken within the last few years. If your photo is selected as reference for a portrait painting, the artist will create a 'Canadian' background that she feels best communicates the story between the people featured in the portrait.
What will happen:
Submitted photos that fall within the submission guidelines will be uploaded and shared on this website. From the photos submitted, we will select the most creative photos that resonate with us, for reference in painting a portrait.
What will you receive?
They say once an artist falls in love with you, that you can never die.
If your photo is selected for a painted portrait, that portrait will live on, forever.
You will have the opportunity to be involved in a creative collaboration with Iconic Canadian painter, Brandy Saturley. You will be Canadian Art.
What does it cost to participate?
There is NO FEE for participating and no obligation to purchase the final painting, though the painting will be available for purchase, with the subjects being given first opportunity to buy the original piece. The purchase of your original painting helps to fund future works and exhibition. If we could fly everyone out to the final exhibitions, we would!
Future Exhibition Plans: to share these portraits in a public venue or gallery.
Are you ready to share your story? Submit your photo now.